Tuesday, July 24, 2007

July 24: enjoying vacation

We are still enjoying vacation time at the cabin, with a few visitors and lots of fun in the water! Here's Dave teaching our nephew the fine art of "tubing"!

more pictures from the cabin are online here


Saturday, July 21, 2007

July 21: Decker Update

Dear friends and family--

Greetings from "Home Assignment!" It's been awhile since I've written an official update, but many of you know we are now based in Minnesota until early January. The days of packing our house in Senegal seemed very hectic, as we tried to tie up many loose ends before leaving. To this point, our house in Senegal has not been rented, and is being cared for by colleagues and Senegalese helpers. We would love to see someone be able to live there for even a few months, so you could continue to pray for that.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

softball game

softball game, originally uploaded by MaryD SN-MN.

We enjoyed watching our niece play at her softball tournament, and enjoyed my brother as the coach as well!

cousin Laura

cousin Laura, originally uploaded by MaryD SN-MN.

One of the fun parts of the summer was getting to see cousin Laura before she moved to Washington DC!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

croquet with Dakar friends!

croquet with Adamsons, originally uploaded by MaryD SN-MN.

The guys enjoyed a game of croquet with our friends the Adamsons, who were with us both in Abidjan and Dakar. They're on home assignment this year as well.

Friday, July 13, 2007


We were happy (especially Joey!) to host Benjamin for a few days in his transition between Senegal and college in Texas!

Friday, July 06, 2007


One of the first things that got unpacked from our boxes when we got to our furlough house was the knee-hockey equipment! Many tournaments have been played in the basement here, and constantly skinned knees are the order of the day!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

July 4

July 4, originally uploaded by MaryD in Senegal.

We are off on an adventure-- taking the train downtown, to enjoy the riverside happenings and watch some fireworks. Danny has joined us, and it's fun to be all together in Minnesota!