We are so thankful for your prayers as we work with SIM's Western Africa Area, which includes the countries of Guinea, Senegal, Cote d'Ivore and Liberia. Our purpose is to serve missionaries by offering quality leadership and administrative support. Many of you have been involved in our life and ministry since our very earliest days of living in Liberia, and you know how special that country is to us. Last week Dave returned from a trip to Liberia, and here is his report. God is clearly at work, and the need for prayer is very great. Please join us in praying, as this week and this season is very significant for the ministries there.
With thankfulness for your partnership and your prayers,
Mary for the DakarDeckers
Dave's Liberia Report
Last week I returned from a visit to Liberia, where rebuilding following the devastation of an extended civil war continues. Signs of progress are visible all over, as are obstacles to progress. This is true on the national level, and also in the church, and at ELWA, where SIM partners with Liberians ministering through radio, health care, and education.