Saturday, August 16, 2008


I returned home from Liberia late Monday night after a long trip, having been re-routed via Casablanca. I'm very tired, very thankful for the airline taking good care of me, thankful to be home!

Wednesday was the first day of school at Dakar Academy, and for this semester I'm resuming my role as part-time counselor. It was great to see kids and staff returning, great to meet new students and staff as well. Wednesday evening was the Open House time, and as Jacob's parents we got to meet his teachers and follow his daily schedule (in 10 minute increments.)

My laptop is not yet working, but we're hoping that it will be able to be repaired this weekend, please pray for that!

This weekend we are spending time with friends, watching a bit of the Olympics, hoping to get to the beach, hoping to get more photos from Liberia up!

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