Sunday, March 11, 2007

Decker Update

Dear friends,

Thanks so much for your continuing prayers and your encouragement of our family!

Dave took off today for a short trip (6 days) to Cote d'Ivoire. Please pray that he accomplishes all that he needs to in that time, and that he will be a blessing to the colleagues he is going to be with over there.

We were blessed to be able to go to the beach for two days to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. It was two weeks late, as our anniversary was actually the day after elections here... but everything went very peacefully with the election, and we finally got to take our trip!

Jacob is preparing this week to be a part of an outreach trip with Dakar Academy. He will leave at 5 am on Friday, and return Sunday night. Wednesday is a day of prayer and fasting in preparation for the trip... you are welcome to join in praying for God's best to be accomplished in the lives of these students, and those to whom they will be ministering.

Time seems to be flying, and we will be leaving in 3 months (Lord willing) to return to the States. We need your prayers that we will finish well all that needs to be done before we leave... We still need someone to rent our house while we are gone, and would ask you to pray with us for that concern!

We are so thankful for the privilege of working in West Africa, and look forward to sharing with many of you while we are in the States about what we see God doing in here.

Please keep Joey in your prayers as he prepares and raises support for his short-term mission trip to Northern Ireland...

Looking to our Father for His abundant provision--

for the Dakar Deckers

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