Saturday, April 28, 2007

April 28: mini-update

People have been praying for us, and God has answered those prayers!

A very kind friend has offered frequent flyer miles, and Joey has tickets home from college! His support is not quite all in yet, but he is still planning to go on the short-term trip to Ireland with his rugby team from May 14-27. Please keep praying for his support, for the friends that the team will meet in N.Ireland, and as always for them to be safe and injury free (as much as possible with rugby!)

And some of you knew that my laptop had ended its useful life, but another one was able to be ordered and delivered in record-time and arrived with a team who arrived yesterday! That seems like it could not have been possible in human terms! Pray that I'll be able to work well with it to finish my work for my class this week.

Please pray for Dave this week as he visits with missionary and Liberian colleagues in Liberia. He is conducting an audit of their finances, and helping them to continue to develop systems that will help them in their ministries. He left yesterday and will be back next Friday night.

We are thankful for your prayers and encouraging notes! We are looking forward to visiting with many of you beginning in June!

Many blessings,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary,

I'm glad you are able to come back to the states for a while - but I sure will miss your beautiful photos! =) I will keep your family in my prayers as you complete your work there and head back "home". =)