Monday, March 10, 2008

March 10: photos from SIPS 2008

SIPS 1, originally uploaded by MaryD SN-MN.

Dave took some great pictures during SIPS, which was held March 6-8.

SIPS (Sports Invitational for Private Schools) is an annual gathering of several schools in Senegal, where the kids get the opportunity to compete in a track meet, as well as volleyball and soccer games. Here are some more of the pictures from the track-meet-- to give you a bit of the flavor of this special event in the big stadium!

Opportunities for involvement in events like this is one of the things that we love about living in Dakar. Serving as part of regional mission leadership and administration team, much of our work is done via email, from the office, behind a computer. Involvement in the lives of students at DA is a bonus and blessing! (Besides being lots of fun!)

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