Wednesday, March 25, 2009

DeckerUpdate March 25

Greetings from Senegal!

It's been a little over a month since our last update, and we have continued active and busy during that time. We are based in Senegal as part of SIM's Western Africa Area leadership team. Our vision is to see joyful missionaries effectively spreading a passion for God's glory in West Africa, and that we would serve them by providing quality leadership and administrative support. Dave's two-week trip to Liberia and Cote d'Ivoire last month gave him face-to-face time with our missionaries in those two countries, and has increasingly clarified his vision of their needs. Please pray for him as he continues to train and support the people in each of those countries.

Here are some of the photos from his trip:
Dave in Abidjan
Liberia: reunion with friends
ELWA Hospital
ELWA Academy
ELWA Radio

We are finding ourselves very involved with students at Dakar Academy. Many of our SIM kids attend this school, from Senegal as well as Liberia and Guinea. Through Mary's role as school counselor (while awaiting the return of the permanent counselor) we developed more relationships with students. We are "sponsors" for Jacob's class, which involves helping them with fund-raising events. (These events are a fun part of life in this community where recreational options are more limited than in the States, and also require a lot of hard work by students, sponsors, staff and parents!) We have enjoyed getting to know so many students at DA and are amazed at the many personalities as well as nationalities represented in this community. We enjoy spending time with students, being involved in their lives, having fun with them, and talking with them about their more serious concerns as well. Involvement with teenagers has increasingly become one of the highlights of our life here. Please pray that we will listen well, love well, and speak truth into their lives.

And for a few pictures of involvement with school-related projects/events:
In the Park (Olympic Days)
Team Party (Jacob and Coach Dave's team)
building a volcano
Junior Carnival

The days ahead will bring new changes and challenges for the Deckers. Dave has handed over his job as WAFA Area Treasurer to Burt Koppendrayer. Dave is now full-time Deputy Director for WAFA, mentoring and training Burt in the Treasurer job, and preparing to take the role of interim WAFA Director in May as Dan and Laurie Porch prepare to leave Senegal. We will miss the Porches, who are leaving permanently, as well as the Tanquists and Koppendrayers who will be gone for home assignment. Pray that the Lord will give wisdom, and enable us to effectively cover the responsibilities that Mark and Burt would normally carry. Pray also for the Tanquists' support to be raised in time for them to return in 6 months, and for the Koppendrayers' year of home assignment.

We are looking forward to Danny's wedding in July, in Miami. It will be wonderful to be together as a family, and to celebrate with Danny and Leah the beginning of their married life together. Dave will return to Dakar right after the wedding, while Jacob and Mary will spend about 10 days in Minnesota.

Joey will be completing an internship in Northern Ireland before coming to Miami for the wedding. He would like to spend several weeks in Minnesota as well, before returning to John Brown University for his senior year. At this point we are not sure how the finances for this will work-- if you have frequent flyer miles and would like to help in this area, please let us know! Joey is applying to Naval Officer Candidate School through a program called the Baccalaureate Degree Completion Program. He has completed all his paperwork, has passed all the physical exams with flying colors (including 20/20 vision-- thank you Lord!) and is currently awaiting results. Please join us in praying that God prepares Joey for the future plans He has for him!

We are thankful for our financial support that has been consistent, though some supporters have had to stop their donations due to the difficulties of this turbulent time. We still have needs for one-time gifts in our ministry account (mainly for medical co-payments) and continue to trust the Lord to provide. If you sense the Lord prompting you to be a part of that, we'd love to give you more information.

We are thankful that God has brought us here, and thankful to be part of a team that includes you as you partner with us through prayer, finances, and encouragement. So we can confidently say, "The Lord is my helper; I will not fear: what can man do to me?" He reminds us: "Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go... For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you." -- "Be strong and courageous... it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you." (from Daily Light,March 25 )

May He continue to bless you, and keep you confident in His help!

for the Dakar Deckers

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