Monday, April 20, 2009

April 20: Twitter Updates

So, less than a week after telling someone I didn't see the point of Twitter, I'm trying it out. I've set up a space in the sidebar of the blog for these micro-updates. That way, even if I can't take the time to edit and /or post photos, I can at least make notes about the reason why, and/or what else is going on! Twitter limits me to 140 characters. So I won't take a long time over these updates! Some how it feels less intimidating than that whole big empty space of a normal blog post... let us know what you think!

1 comment:

Susanne Barrett said...

You can also add the Twitter ap on Facebook and then when you update Twitter it automatically becomes your FB status update. I love it! :)

Love your blog! I usually read it on Google Reader and never get to see it, but today I went to take a peek and really like the layout and all. Very cool.

Love to you --

Susanne :)