Depending on where we choose to focus, the same event can be viewed as a tragedy, or as God's providence.
I've felt so sad this week at the death of Ben, an M.K. in Kenya, but so appreciated that in the midst of their grief, his family has kept their focus on God's trustworthiness.
They've helped the many people worldwide who followed Ben's sudden illness and prayed for him to trust that Ben is in the hands of the all-powerful God who loves him-- and grieves with them as well.
Here's an article, Why God Doesn't Fully Explain Pain from our home church pastor which has really helped me this week.
And for a "change of focus", here's a link to pictures from our recent days at the beach. I enjoyed experimenting with the camera... and the reminder of how focus changes the picture was a timely one for me.
Ooohh, well said, and even better illustrated!
I love this post about focus, Mary. It's so true. And such cool photos to illustrate the point!
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