Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Birthday, Joey!


beth smith said...

Thats brilliant!
Happy birthday to Joey - I only ever knew him as the cute cute baby that he was when he was two! He has grown up into an active, confident young man - you must be very grateful and proud of him. What a great way to grow up - in Africa, he's filled his life full. Hope it'll be a great day for him!

Thnaks too for your last comment Aunt Mary. It is pretty amazing to hear from you so freely - being in Africa and being in Albania! And on the whole matter of what I wrote in my blog - well, its good to hear your thoughts and encouragement - as you guys (well, specially you)were one of those fading life sources for me a decade and a half ago!! Its always, been difficult letting go since age 10. So kind of special to hear your thoughts! Will keep looking forward!
Love, Beth

Annette said...

what a beautiful son you have, mary & dave! praying for your family......

Anonymous said...

those pictures bring back some pretty good memories...